Let's face it: I hate running. I would rather sit on my rapidly expanding ass than don my sneakers and head outside with nothing more than a bottle of water and my ipod. Let's be honest - it's too cold to run in the winter, too hot in the summer, too muddy in the spring and in the fall there are leaves anywhere. Running partners (by which I mean Joe) are no good because they are much faster and fitter which leaves me feeling bad about my ability and I am sure leaves them bored. Running is bad for your knees, the burning in your lungs and inevitable stitch in your side are no picnic either. And don't even get me started on those commercials with all the pretty, thin people praising the virtues of running which become about a shoe - they don't inspire me; they piss me off. Which begs the question why have I brushed off my sneakers; pulled out my running gear and started again because let's face it: I love running. I love the freedom it gives me - putting one foot in front of the other for no other destination than ahead. I love the way it clears my head, listening only to my steady breathing, the pounding of my feet on the pavement and my ipod belting out my various "running" playlists. I love the cold, crisp winter air, the hot summer sun belting down on my exposed skin, the newness of spring and the dazzling colours of the fall. I love the sense of accomplishment I feel after a run.
My life of late hasn't been fun - I am single which means I am dating again bringing on an array of emotions. I'll admit it - I hate it; I love the security of a relationship and because you never know when the next one is going to come along you just have to get out there a do it. There are boys but no one seems to fit the bill perfectly - so I've taken it upon myself to start a relationship with running - a love/hate relationship you might say. And who knows maybe I'll meet a cute boy while running and he'll wait up for me
1 comment:
Yay you! :) I may start running, too, but not until spring!!
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