Sunday, January 16, 2011

And baby makes 5 Well it's official and while we're basically keeping it hush, hush most who know about this blog know I am with child. I was "late" last month and took another test which came out negative. This month I was also late but didn't want to take the test because I thought "why bother, it's just going to be negative and I'll be sad" Well I took the test and

I was beyond excited. Everyday I marvel at a little person growing inside of me. I was sent "Reflections of Motherhood " on youtube and I thought Oh yeah that's nice - now I can't watch it without tearing up - I am excited and cannot wait until I am past my first trimester and can start yelling it from the rooftops but I also know that is probably my one and only baby and I treasure every single day of my pregnancy knowing each day is a gift and I marvel that God has given me this beautiful treasure. I want to experience everyday and not rush through this. To quote Aerosmith - I don't want to miss a thing

1 comment:

Dana said...

Wow Paula!!!! Congratulations!!!! I'm sooo happy for you!!!! <3