Monday, October 1, 2007

Down and out

Well this is my first blog --- I hope to keep it up on a semiregular basis. I had to put pen to paper because well I think it may help. Last month was quite bad - from my standpoint and the ickiness seems to have seeped into October. My favorite time of the year and I feel let down. I want to be out in autumn's glory but feel so tired, so sad and so unlike myself.

Thanksgiving is coming up and although I know I have many many things to be thankful for I cannot help but obsessing on what I don't have, what I can't control and what makes me sad. Which in turn saddens me even more.

As I write this I am at work and should be slogging away which by the way is what I feel I am doing everyday - nothing good, nothing useful but slogging, slogging, slogging.

I am wrapping this up but plan to write more later. At home - alone - while Joe is away again at class.

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