Well I have been lax about posting so I am going to do what I normally do and blame Joe :)
So what's been going on? Well, I'll break it down to categories
JOE (aka the gimp)
Joe had his first physio last week which seemed to go well. He's also getting around with one crutch and can do dishes, make dinner and laundry - it may take a little bit longer but it gets done - he can't vaccuum or shovel snow but he's on the mend! Words cannot express my happiness.
The cast of TIOBE (the Importance of Being Earnest) has been off book for a week now and it seems to be going well. The performances are April 3, 4, 5 (my birthday!!!!!) 10, 11 and 12 (movie night!!!). I am getting pretty excited. Tim had us get together over the long weekend to tape the FMM and Abott and costello skits so hopefully I can get a copy to send to my parents.
I have missed the last THREE games - two staying home with Joe and last Friday because we drove up to Joe parents for the potluck ... okay I drove up B-A-D-L-Y. Even though my accident was years ago I still am scared driving in the dark on roads I don't know. I tend to get more nervous when the road curves to the left than the right (I mean that's just weird right?) I also tend to drive slow and break a lot around the corners. Anyway I plan to look into a defensive driving course to get some of my nerve back. Anyway this was about soccer - I got a call from Jen to play all girl soccer this summer and I couldn't have been happier. I missed it but not enough to put up with the crap that goes along with it.
Mediations, examinations and pre-trials oh my! I can't remember when work has been quiet and I guess it's great because I have a job but oh vey I wish I could just have a slow day or six where I could get caught up and relax.
Still never seem to get enough and I find I am tired a lot - I haven't lost anymore weight but then I haven't gained either - I find that I haven't been eating quite right which contributes to the tired but still sleep sometimes eludes me and since I require 100% quiet to fall asleep Joe's symphony of snoring keeps me up later than I want - seriously sometimes even earplugs don't help.
Well there it is my life summed up in five categories.