So we decided to get another dog to keep Cosmo company during the day and spent literally like a week and a half at the Humane Society going every day and introducing Cosmo to other dogs because it is the Humane society's policy that dogs do what's called "Meet and Greet". There were some meets that went fine and some downright not good meetings. Rich the shiuzu was a good match but were down on the list (it's first come first serve) and then we met Kyra (now named Kiri) and six month old terrier cross - first meet and greet went okay. The second meet and greet was in the atrium and we realize Cosmo HATES the atrium. It's loud, distracting and there is no neutral territory. So he literally sat in my lap and shook - keep in mind Cosmo has never been socialized with other dogs except for a few months when he was pup. He didn't know how to act around other dogs.
Crystal and the HS was awesome, she was the one that suggested Kiri in the first place. Jenny was the one who put them in the atrium. The next day Kiri and Cosmo spent TWO hours together and did fine, they were interacting and there was no fear - oh did I mention it was outside and Jenny was observing. We put in the application and they tell us to come on Monday and pick her up. We ask "do we need to bring Cosmo" they say no.
So Monday rolls round, I work through lunch so I can leave early and get there. Long story short I get told that a complaint was put and it was suggested because of the "fear" Cosmo displayed we shouldn't get the dog and I asked if it was Jenny who made the complaint. And sure enough it was. I was then told we wouldn't get Kiri unless a manger saw a meet and greet - so I have to race home, get Cosmo and race back. Long story short they were fine and we got Kiri.
I should point out that I have never met anyone so negative as this woman. It was like she wanted Kiri for herself. She told a volunteer that we had said that the volunteer "shoved us" out of the corral - that was lie and she actually said "Look I told you I would try and find a match for your dog and you obviously want this dog even though I don't recommend it." I feel like I should make a complaint. She's supposed to help dogs find homes.
But we got Kiri and below are some picutres of our six month old little terrier cross.
And by the way - she and Cosmo played for 40 minutes off leash in park tonight!
Isn't she a cutie!!

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